Well it would certainly look like it. While I am patriotic there are a number of things that are hard to like about Cadel, but you have to hand it to the boy in the tour so far.
For the record, my guess is that Cadel has Asperger’s syndrome. That’s not meant to be a joke, I really think he does. This means that he does not relate to people in the normal acceptable way. If he was a bloke that worked with you in your office you would think he was a weirdo, but harmless. But he is not an office worker, he is a sporting superstar, even if he is the least charismatic bloke you are ever likely to meet.
He gets shit canned for not riding with “panache”, but I doubt that he even fully understands this concept. He rides in the way that gives him the best chance of winning and plays by the odds. No gambling for Cadel – it’s strictly by the percentages.
In a way mountain biking was a much better match for his temperament than road riding with its esoteric “teamwork” underpinnings. Cadel, I am sure had the comment “happier playing with himself than others” written on his junior school reports. Who else would volunteer to the media that they thought that they were suffering from “Gargoilism”??
So he is about to win the tour – the magnitude of this achievement is pretty unbelievable. For a square peg the likes of Cadel to have reached the pinnacle of the round hole which is road cycling, is testimony to a force of will that exceeds what most of us can comprehend.
Cadel will struggle with the publicity that comes with a win in the tour and in many ways it is a double edged sword for him as it will bring more scrutiny to the clear weaknesses that he struggles with in other areas of his life, but gee what an effort.
World Champion and winner of the Tour de France for an Aspergery kid from Katherine – who would of thunk it.
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